There oughta be…

…a blog with awesome projects. A collection of overcomplicated devices nobody needs. A sanctum for all the things that did not get living room clearance, but oughta be seen by fellow nerds.

There oughta be a fix for Hartan wheels.

08 August 2020

Our “Hartan Racer” baby stroller started to lose its wheels. Turns out that the mechanism that is supposed to allow switching wheels was worn out and a simple 3d printed replacement is the solution.

Since this is mostly about design and less about coding, the accompanying video might actually give you a better idea:

Thumbnail of a youtube video showing the printed part next to the original part.
Click the image to see the video on

Anyhow, we bought this Hartan Racer second hand and are very happy with it. Until it suddenly missed a wheel. After tracking back, we found it, mounted it and… lost it again. Several times. So, I had to look into it.

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There oughta be an automated dehumidifier.

08 July 2020

Could there be a more exciting topic to start my new blog? Dehumidifiers. Warriors against mold. Not so exciting? Well, I have to start somewhere…

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There oughta be a blog.

07 July 2020

So, this is it. My blog. And this is that awkward first post that nobody reads and that tries to justify the content to come.

We will see if this turns out to be a diary for myself or if actual visitors will show some interest…